日期: 04/03/2025
發光發熱塔冷通:天主教教區學校綜藝匯演暨音樂馬拉松籌款 2025連結已放在網上,請大家踴躍捐款,支持教區及同學們!
綜藝表演 3-7 中國民族舞 《黎鄉笠影》
音樂馬拉松 3-10 小號獨奏 《Arcturus》
‘Let Talent Shine: Fund-raising Variety Show cum Music Marathon by Catholic Diocesan Schools 2025” Purchasing Variety Show' donation link is now online. Please donate generously to support the Diocese and our students!
Variety Show 3-7 Chinese Ethnic Dance "Li Village Hat Shadows"
Music Marathon 3-10 Trumpet Solo "Arcturus"