Bad Day Café
日期: 20/01/2025
每當遇到不如意的事,我們也習慣地想解決,希望事情盡快從回常態。這也是正常和可理解的。可是,事情的發展未必在我們掌控之內,當傷心、失望、恐懼、憤怒等情緒嘗試浮現之時,我們也可能不為意的抑壓、否定它們。久而久之,我們便認為不幸的事總是發生在自己身上……由香港明愛家庭服務 (#向晴) 提供的Bad Day Café,讓家長與學生嘗試察覺自己的情緒、感受,容許自己停下來,再消化一下當中的經歷。或許,我們也有新的體會。
Whenever we encounter unsatisfactory events, we tend to want to solve them, hoping that things will quickly return to normal. This is both normal and understandable. However, the development of events may not always be within our control. When emotions like sadness, disappointment, fear, and anger try to surface, we might inadvertently suppress or deny them. Over time, we come to believe that unfortunate events always happen to us. The Bad Day Café, provided by Caritas Family Services, allows parents and students to become aware of their emotions and feelings, permitting themselves to pause and process their experiences. Perhaps we can gain new insights.