日期: 07/01/2025
P.4 Understanding Adolescent Project (Primary)- Voluntary Services
配合「愛大自然」校本美德,四年級成長的天空計劃中,學生透過「愛心之旅」,進行清潔沙灘、垃圾分類及生態導賞活動。透過親身體驗,學生更明白到愛護環境,實踐3R 原則(Reduce, Reuse,Recycle)的重要性。另外,班主任也一同參與活動,從中亦留意到學生課堂外,他們也愛學習、富好奇心的一面。
In line with the "Love Nature" school-based virtue, fourth-grade students in the Understanding Adolescent Project (Primary) engaged in beach cleanups, waste sorting, and ecological tours through the "Journey of Love." By experiencing these activities firsthand, students better understand the importance of caring for the environment and practicing the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). Additionally, class teachers also participated, noticing that students love learning and are curious outside the classroom.